Become a Member


Membership is open to anyone. Kitcar owners or car enthusiasts of any sort are more than welcome in our club.

Membership is £15 per annum and for this you will receive acknowledgement, addition to our database for all future updates & access to all club events (there is sometimes a charge for these events, not controlled by ourselves). All new members will receive their choice of 2 EKC decals for their car – see Latest News page (link at top of Home Page) for details & pic of the stickers

Discounts to members are currently offered by,  &

To apply for membership please download the form from the link below, fill it in, then either scan it in PDF format & send to & make a bank transfer (details on the form) or print it off and bring it along to end of month breakfast meet or to any of the Events we’re attending listed on the website, to see one of our Committee members .

Membership Form

Our apologies that this is not yet possible online.